
This game was made for Kenney Jam 2024 with the theme of 'Connection'.

Your goal is to get packages from the left side bay over to the right side bay(s) by building conveyor belts.

-----------------------CONTROLS/GAME INFO

This game only uses the mouse as controls. All controls/game info are explained in the game, but if you need extra clarification, this is your place to look!

Click the buttons on the right side to select an object and then hover over a tile and left click when you see the object to place. You can see your currently selected object on the right side highlighted in green. To deselect an object, right click.

Once an object is placed, it can be interacted with by left clicking on it. Upon interaction, Conveyors and Packagers will rotate 90 degrees , and the Painter will change its current color. A placed object can be deleted by right clicking it.

Package bays can only accept a certain number of packages (shown on the wall above their conveyor), so you may have to alternate where you are sending the packages. Bays can only accept a certain color of packages, so use the painter to make sure you have the right colors. Bays can also only accept closed packages, so make sure to close any open packages by using the Packager; However, already-closed packages that are sent through a Packager will  result in a loss, so be mindful of what you're sending through it!

Once ready, you can click the start button to start the package spawning. Objects can be placed at any time, and placed objects can be altered as long as there is no package currently on top of it.

Package spawning cannot be stopped until finished, and sometimes you will not have enough pieces to build everything beforehand, so be prepared and ready to swap your strategy on the fly!

There are 6 'introductory' levels to start and then 4 'challenge' levels after.

If you run into any issues, let me know!

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